19 Oct 2021
Calculation card app for first graders released
My child entered elementary school and is doing a little homework every day. Solving calculation cards is the most troublesome one.

I looked for an app to solve this hassle but couldn't find it.
So I made it!!
Please try my Calc Card App.

This app works on browser, so it works on iPhone, iPad, Android and PC.
You can add to home screen to use like an real app.
How to use
If you tap [Addition 1] (Addition up to 10), you will see a screen like this:

You will be praised if you choose correct answer.

Let's check the results
Back by tapping [←] and tap [View results], You can check the results of your child's study that day.

Try it!
It was a story of solving troublesome homework using my own technology.
Let's enjoy! https://nitoyon.github.io/1-10calc/