17 Feb 2009
50 polygons Mona Lisa in AS3
I ported Image evolution to ActionScript 3.
We start from random 50 polygons that are invisible. In each optimization step we randomly modify one parameter (like color components or polygon vertices) and check whether such new variant looks more like the original image. If it is, we keep it, and continue to mutate this one instead.
In my computer, the result was as follows.

It's waste of CPU.., but very interesting.
Because this program uses BitmapData.compare()
to improve performance, it is about 10 times faster than the JavaScript version. The original C# version is about 3 times faster than mine.
Here is the code: (189lines)
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
import flash.utils.setInterval;
public class Evolve extends Sprite{
private var MonaLisa:Class;
private var imgWidth:int;
private var imgHeight:int;
private const POLYGONS:int = 50;
private var polygons:Array = [];
private var mutating:Boolean = false;
private var monotoneFilter:ColorMatrixFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter([
1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3, 0, 0,
1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3, 0, 0,
1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]);
private var pt0:Point = new Point(0, 0);
private var rect:Rectangle;
private var bestBmd:BitmapData;
private var testBmd:BitmapData;
private var inputBmd:BitmapData;
private var debugBmd:BitmapData;
private var canvas:Sprite;
private var score:uint;
private var scoreMax:uint;
private var mutations:uint = 0;
private var candidates:uint = 0;
private var totalTime:Number = 0;
private var time:Date;
private var scoreText:TextField;
public function Evolve(){
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stage.align = "TL";
// init image
var bmp:Bitmap = new MonaLisa();
inputBmd = bmp.bitmapData;
imgWidth = bmp.width;
imgHeight = bmp.height;
rect = inputBmd.rect;
score = scoreMax = rect.width * rect.height * 255;
// init buffer
bestBmd = inputBmd.clone(); bestBmd.fillRect(rect, 0x000000);
testBmd = inputBmd.clone(); testBmd.fillRect(rect, 0x000000);
debugBmd = inputBmd.clone();
addChild(new Bitmap(bestBmd)).x = bmp.width + 10;
// init data and canvas
canvas = new Sprite();
for(var i:int = 0; i < POLYGONS; i++){
polygons[i] = new Polygon();
canvas.addChild(new Sprite());
// init ui
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.text = "click to start";
tf.y = bmp.height + 10;
tf.scaleX = tf.scaleY = 3;
stage.addEventListener("click", function(event:*):void{
mutating = !mutating;
time = (mutating ? new Date() : null);
tf.text = (mutating ? "Now Simulating..." : "click to start");
scoreText = new TextField();
scoreText.autoSize = "left";
scoreText.y = bmp.height + 60;
scoreText.scaleX = scoreText.scaleY = 3;
// start timer
setInterval(update, 10);
private function update():void{
if(!mutating) return;
var t:Date = new Date();
totalTime += (t.getTime() - time.getTime()) / 1000;
time = t;
for(var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++) update1();
scoreText.text = (int((1 - score / scoreMax) * 10000) / 100)
+ "%\n" + mutations + " / " + candidates + "\n"
+ (int(totalTime * 10) / 10) + "s";
private function update1():void{
var index:int = Math.random() * POLYGONS;
var backup:Polygon = polygons[index].clone();
var diffBmd:BitmapData = testBmd.compare(inputBmd) as BitmapData;
diffBmd.applyFilter(diffBmd, rect, pt0, monotoneFilter);
var testScore:uint = 0;
for(var i:int = 0; i < 0x100; i++){
testScore += diffBmd.threshold(diffBmd, rect, pt0, "==", i, i, 0xff) * i;
if(score > testScore){
score = testScore;
polygons[index] = backup;
private function drawTest():void{
for(var i:int = 0; i < POLYGONS; i++){
polygons[i].draw(canvas, imgWidth, imgHeight);
testBmd.fillRect(rect, 0x000000);
private function testToBest():void{
bestBmd.copyPixels(testBmd, rect, pt0);
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
class Polygon{
private const POINTS:int = 6;
public var points:Array = [];
public var color:uint;
public var alpha:Number;
public function Polygon(polygon:Polygon = null){
for(var i:int = 0; i < POINTS; i++)
points[i] = (polygon ? polygon.points[i].clone() : new Point(Math.random(), Math.random()));
color = (polygon ? polygon.color : 0xffffff * Math.random());
alpha = (polygon ? polygon.alpha : .1);
public function clone():Polygon{
return new Polygon(this);
public function mutate():void{
(Math.random() < 0.5 ? mutateColor() : mutatePosition());
private function mutateColor():void{
switch(int(Math.random() * 4)){
case 0: color = (color & 0x00ffff) + int(Math.random() * 255) * 0x010000; break;
case 1: color = (color & 0xff00ff) + int(Math.random() * 255) * 0x000100; break;
case 2: color = (color & 0xffff00) + int(Math.random() * 255) * 0x000001; break;
case 3: alpha = Math.random(); break;
private function mutatePosition():void{
var p:int = Math.random() * POINTS;
if(Math.random() < .5) points[p].x = Math.random();
else points[p].y = Math.random();
public function draw(canvas:Sprite, w:Number, h:Number):void{
canvas.graphics.beginFill(color, alpha);
canvas.graphics.moveTo(points[0].x * w, points[0].y * h);
for(var i:int = 1; i < POINTS; i++)
canvas.graphics.lineTo(points[i].x * w, points[i].y * h);